Empowering B2B success with game-changing data and technologies

Expandi, your global partner for B2B data, platforms and media

Platforms, Data and Analytics tools

Unique marketing platforms and analytics offering built via the integration of award-winning products.
All platforms are based on cookie-less technology.

ABM Platform

ABM Platform

Boost your ABM strategy with the award-winning Jabmo Account-based Marketing platform.

  • Run, optimise and orchestrate omni-channel campaigns
  • Audience building tool
  • Website personalisation
  • Consolidated reporting

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Intent Platform

Intent Platform

Find your best fit customers and their buying stage with Cyance B2B Intent data platform.

  • Multilingual and multi-channel intent tracking
  • Multiple targeting options
  • Easy integration of custom intent keywords
  • Deep account intent view

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Account-based Advertising Platform

Account-based Advertising Platform

Use our Account-based display advertising platform to deliver effective and highly targeted campaigns.

  • Cookieless digital advertising
  • Account prioritization using integrated intent
  • Contextual advertising
  • Day-to-day reporting

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Data Solutions

Data Solutions

Access comprehensive, relevant and privacy compliant B2B data to boost the results of your campaings.

  • Firmographic – Technographic – Financial data
  • Company Hierarchy
  • Privacy compliance (GDPR- CCPA)
  • Cookiless audiences for targeted digital advertising

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Onboarding and Professional Services

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Need help implementing a winning marketing strategy? Do you have resource constraints?

Accelerate your go-to-market strategy with the Expandi onboarding and professional managed services:
  • Platform onboarding services
  • Campaign execution and optimisation
  • Demand generation
  • Channel Program
  • Analytics services
  • Full Managed Services
All services are delivered thanks to:
  • teams of skilled marketing professionals
  • market knowledge and expertise
  • a superior delivery engine
  • AI enriched and expertly analysed data insights
Contact us today for a quote.

Expandi Key Clients

Like to try it for yourself?

Schedule a demo of Expandi’s unique data and adTech Platforms to see how easily you can drive smarter B2B omni-channel marketing and sales programs.